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All the people gathered together to witness the greatness of DurioFarm 各路人马欢聚一堂 掀开榴恋园的真实面纱

9 March 2019, Karak

Some people wanted to see the actual site after the presentation, but others were interested in the big project after hearing from a consultant and asked to see how it worked. In fact, no matter in what form they came to DurioFarm, Eco Starland Group will always welcome them with open arms.

There were 50 people from Ipoh, Petaling Jaya, Penang, China and other places gathered in the farm today. Everyone arrived at about 10.30am, and they were first welcomed by Wealthreel's representative, Benn Lee.

They took a group photo and moved to visit DurioFarm. During the process, Mr Tan, our professional tour guide, explained and gave more pieces of information for the group. At about 12 at noon, everyone returned to the hall one by one and then witnessed our staff demonstrated his skilled grafting skills.

Some short videos were also arranged, including Eco Nursery and EcoFarm. In order to let the guests have a better understanding of the operation of Eco Starland Group. Eco Starland is very serious and committed to durians planting.

The guests were served the famous coconut rice at Karak for lunch. The rice was so good that everyone was satisfied. Before ending today's activity, our host had a few words of experience with the guests, hoping to let more people know about the efforts of durian farmers in Malaysia and the company's future planning and development direction. Of course, he also demonstrated how he opened durians with bare hands and guests from China were so impressed that they on live sharing to record the scene.

The journey ended with a satisfying meal of durian ice cream and fresh durian. Eco Starland Group hoped that more people are able to understand the intention of the company through one activity after another.



今天有来自怡保、八打灵再也、槟城和中国等地的朋友,共50人一起欢聚榴恋园。各路人马大约在早上10点半来到榴恋园,首先由Wealthreel代表人物Benn Lee欢迎大家的到来。

接着拍了大合照后,大家就移步参观榴恋园。过程中有专业导览师Mr Tan为大家做详细的说明。一直到中午12点左右,大伙陆续回到会场,接着亲睹唐师傅现场示范纯熟的嫁接技巧。


