26th September 2019 – Shah Alam.
The three-days 4th Malaysian International Agricultural Technology Exhibition (Agri Malaysia 2019) was held at the Setia City Convention Center in Shah Alam, Selangor. This year's exhibition continues to be supported by the Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) and Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) and certified to meet international standards, helping exhibitors and visitors to achieve better investment development and expand to domestic and international, to expand a wide range of markets.
Such a credible agricultural exhibition, Eco Starland Group will not miss this chance to explore new opportunities, especially after visited the exhibition last year, it is an excellent opportunity to exchange agricultural products and gather the latest agricultural knowledge. This year, there were nearly 300 booths on display, including agricultural machinery, agricultural and sideline products processing machinery, grain processing equipment, small power machinery, gardening machinery, water-saving irrigation system and equipment, agricultural solar machinery and equipment, agriculture facilities and the latest technology in agriculture.
KC Lim, Chairman of the Board of Directors of EcoStarland Group, Yirin Choo, Chief Executive Officer, Jerry Choo, Farm Manager and several staff members came to the venue early in the morning and stay until late afternoon. In addition to comparing the price of liquid fertilizer and some materials, they also test drive the agricultural ATVs and master the latest agricultural technology.
为期三天的第4届马来西亚国际农业工艺展览会(Agri Malaysia 2019)在雪兰莪实达城会展中心於焉展开。今年的展览会继续荣获国家贸易促进局(MATRADE)以及投资发展局(MIDA)的支持并认证为符合国际水准,帮助参展商及观展者之间达到更好的投资发展、拓展至国内外更广泛的市场。