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HK and GZ Expedition Tour Experience the Delightful Atmosphere of the Festival 香港广州考察团来易盛 一起感受佳节愉快气氛

4th December 2019 – Mentakab, Karak.

December is a season full of festive atmosphere. Eco Starland Group had welcomes 60 friends from Guangzhou, China and Hong Kong to celebrate this wonderful moment. This group of friends wanted to learn more about the Malaysian durian industry, so they signed up for a expediton tour to find out.

A group of people set off from the hotel early in the morning. It took almost two hours drive to the transfer station and change into the four-wheel drive vehicle and continued to move towards EcoFarm. When entering to the farm, the first thing to visit is the cultivation of durian seedlings. These young seedlings derived from the Durian Raja Kunyit mother tree are planted and cultivated by the docking method and can be move to the ground at the appropriate time. Now, there are several areas in EcoFarm that are already full of durian seedlings, all the visitors had taken a group photo on the hilltops full of saplings.

After having lunch, the expedition group went to FruitFarm to learn about the intelligent irrigation system and durian growth in the farm. Tasting durian is the most exciting part. The king of fruit is so delicious, and the bananas and papaya in the farm are also ripe and sweet. The staff specially prepared these organic fruits for the visitors. Visitors enjoyed the fruits very much.

Later, all the visitors went to the headquarters of Eco Starland Group in Mid Valley, Kuala Lumpur. Another group of staff members was already decorated the office space, and prepared delicious Malaysian specialties. The wine and delicious food coupled with the bright and beautiful Christmas lights made the atmosphere warm and cosy. Visitors also took the opportunity to ask questions and interact with senior executives of Eco Starland Group, including our marketing director James Fan. That night, many people also presented a good song, making this party successful.




