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James Sir Holds A New Book Launch 亚洲首席被动收入演说家范俊俭 《财富自由学》新书发布会

1st November 2019 - Kuala Lumpur.

James Sir, marketing director of Eco Starland Group and also chief passive income speaker in Asia, has launched a new masterpiece: “Freedom of Wealth”. Since he has a deep connection with Malaysia, he chose to hold a new book conference in Kuala Lumpur. The event lasted for 3 hours because of the enthusiastic participation from the audience.

Inspired by Robert Kiyosaki - the author of Rich Dad, James Sir’s goal is to lead more people into freedom of wealth, and he has accumulated his knowledge from many years of experience and share them through a book. The event officially started at about 2:30 pm. After being introduced by the host, James Sir began to share his personal experience on how to create a passive income and pursue the path of wealth and freedom.

First of all, James Sir briefly introduced his background story, from working hard as a poor boy to achieving financial freedom at the age of 40. These are all due to his precise vision, investment management of more than 300 sub-units, 20 years of investment and real estate experience, being the former manager of Fortune 500 enterprise groups, etc.

He is always very curious and tireless in learning, and constantly learns from world-class masters. He even went on to write several books, and was interviewed in multiple TV shows. During these interviews, he does not hesitate to share all his knowledge and experience that he accumulated in his life.

Despite being the founder of the Hong Kong Fire Consultancy Limited and the director of Eco Starland Group, he still hopes that he can lead students out of an average life of simply working in an office all day long, and start doing what they really want to do. He has pointed out that careful planning and intentions in a key factor in opening up an opportunity to change one’s life. James Sir also mentioned that the cooperation with Eco Starland Group has opened up a new territory and horizon for him, and grasping this new agricultural trend will be a great opportunity.

After sharing, James Sir stayed on stage in order to sign the readers’ books and even interacted with every reader and fan personally, leaving wonderful memories.


易盛集团市场董事,也是亚洲首席被动收入演说家范俊俭老师 – 尖sir推出全新力作《财富自由学》,和马来西亚颇有渊源的他更选择在吉隆坡举办新书发布会,长达3个小时的活动,因为现场近400位支持者的热情参与,完全不冷场!


首先,尖sir大略介绍了自己的生长背景,如何从一个穷小子在努力打拼后,在40岁达到财务自由、拥抱过亿资产、每月被动收入6位数。这些都是由于他眼光精准,投入管理超过300个分间单位、20年投资房产经验、曾创立超过十间赚钱公司及曾任 Fortune 500 强企业集团旗下总经理,带领数十人团队管理上亿生意所累积而来的。


