China to get fresh, not frozen, Malaysian durians, expected from 2024Malaysian durian farmers will be able to export fresh durians instead of frozen fruit to China starting next year 2024.
订单庞大偏遇果源少 猫山王每公斤RM110新高2023年6月30日( 星期五) (文冬30日讯) 猫山王榴梿最近收购价直冲向每公斤110令吉的历史性的新高, 让人咋舌。不过,榴梿业者强调, 这个“天价”不是市场价格,而是供应给办活动的价码,估计只是维持短短几天而已。...
Durian health benefits and nutrition factsBy: Times Foodie, Updated: Jun 13, 2022 | 17:52 IST Durian aka the "King of Fruits" is well known among Southeast Asians, thanks to its...
Mosti: Precision farming is the way forwardAssistance will be given to enable the country to transition to widespread embrace of precision agriculture to allow farmers to earn higher
大学教授:榴梿市场价值 2025年将达1346亿(吉隆坡5日讯)马来西亚吉兰丹大学(UMK)创业与商业学院高级教授诺莎菲卡指出,在2019年,榴椎市场的价值为187亿2000万美元(约842亿令吉),预计在2025年将达到300亿美元(约1346亿令吉)。