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Durian in space: Thailand to send smelly fruit into orbit
The durian has been commonly dubbed the world's smelliest fruit Imagine being trapped in a spaceship with the world's smelliest frui
榴梿种子大有用处! 可生产蚝油 蛋黄酱 软糖
Eco Starland Prosperity Appreciation Dinner 易盛旺年丰收尾牙宴
31 January 2019, Kuala Lumpur With the incoming Chinese New Year, many companies will hold a year-end appreciation dinners as a gesture...
Wee Yong Geap - Chief Farm Director, organized an agriculture mini-workshop 易盛集团农场总监黄勇业举办农业迷你工作坊
24 January 2019, Kuala Lumpur To enhance staff's understanding of agricultural knowledge and development, Mr Wee Yong Geap, Chief Farm...
10 Interesting Ways to Devour Durian, the King of Fruits
This Southeast Asian fruit is worth trying Durian is certainly the most intimidating of all the fruits in Asia, earning it the title of...
Happy Valentine's Day 西洋情人節快樂
金风玉露一相逢,便胜却人间无数;两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮。每年的2月14日是西洋情人節,又名「Valentine's Day 」,其實就是為了紀念一位叫瓦倫丁(Valentine)的人。
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