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Tasting Musang King Durians before Judging Them 猫山王当道 吃了才知道
27th July 2019 - Karak. FruitFarm is very lively today. Not only were there a lot of visitors, but also executives from Eco Starland,...

Malacca Tourists visits FruitFarm 古城访客 乐游花果山享榴梿
21st July 2019 - Karak. Eco Starland Group continues to recruit followers, letting more people in Malaysia know about the company...

“My Durian Farming Logbook” arrived Hong Kong International Book Fair 《我的榴梿种植笔记》登陆香港书展 国际媒体争相采访
17th July 2019 - Hong Kong. Mr Wee Yong Geap’s “My Durian Farming Logbook” arrived at the international Hong Kong market. Eco Starland...

FruitFarm and EcoFarm Changes its Appearance 花果山、易盛园 改头换面第一发
10th July 2019 - Karak, Mentakab. To plant the best Musang King durians possible, Eco Starland Group did not hesitate to rectify the...

带壳榴梿出口中国商机大 3个月进账逾两千万

China to buy US$120 million of durians a year from Malaysia
Malaysia’s Musang King durian is a big hit in China. Malaysia’s agriculture minister says more Malaysian companies are hoping to obtain perm
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