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China Expedition Tour to Eco Starland Durian Farm 中国考察团访易盛集团榴梿园

5th May 2018 – PAHANG.

On this day, Eco Starland Group had welcomed over 20 guests traveled all the way from Xiamen, China for an expedition tour to Eco Starland Durian Farm located at Karak, Pahang. Malaysia is uniquely endowed with abundant of natural resources, blessed with excellent geographical condition and environmental advantages, thus producing the top-quality Durian species in the world. Owing to the increasing affection towards Durian across the world, causing the demand beyond supply, especially the fond towards Musang King of the Chinese.

As the demand continues to rise, the price keeps spiking a new high record. Therefore, in order for the China investors to have better understanding to the business opportunity, also to have a taste of the local Malaysia Durian specialty species, Eco Starland had specially arranged a Durian expedition tour to Karak Durian Farm located at Pahang, Malaysia.

Under the guidance of the President Mr. Lim, the expedition team had received comprehensive and detailed information from cultivation, farm operation, management and post-harvest handling of a Durian farm. After visiting the Durian Farm, the expedition team was ushered to enjoy the local Malaysia Durian, for instance, D24, Red Prawn, Sultan King and more. The finger-licking good, aromatic and smooth texture of Musang King was definitely the most preferred choice of the day by the team. Furthermore, the expedition team was given the opportunity to experience opening Durian also the local customs.

At last, the China expedition team had also tasted some value-added products made of Durian. Throughout the Durian tour, the team has gained a deeper understanding of the business opportunity and also has developed a strong confidence in this project. Eco Starland Group warmly welcomes more group of Durian lovers or expedition group to participate in us, to seize the golden opportunity, to grasp the present and participate in a cultural inheritance and mutually beneficial project.

2018年5月5日 – 彭亨讯。

易盛集团当日热烈迎接约20名从中国厦门远道而来的榴梿园考察团,一同前往易盛位于彭亨加叻的榴梿农场实地考察。马来西亚因其绝佳的地理与环境优势,可培养全世界最优质的榴梿品种。随着全球对于榴梿的喜爱以及需求日益渐增,导致全球出现供不应求的现象,尤其中国大陆对于马来西亚特有榴梿品种 – 猫山王的热爱导致猫山王的价格直线上升、屡创新高。因此,为了让中国的团队以及榴梿爱好者了解此项商机,易盛集团特别安排了榴梿园实地考察并同时可让中国宾客们大快朵颐,享受马来西亚正宗道地榴梿。




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